NV Seed Sheng Ji
We often wonder if we can change our destiny. Well in Feng Shui’s point of view, we all can alter our destiny and thus we have Sheng Ji installation. The art of Sheng Ji actually came from Unique Feng Shui technique. Because no one is born with perfect Ba Zi, so with a little help
- To promote longevity: A good health, including spiritual health, results in longevity.
- To trigger energy: A strong body with a healthy mental stamina to motivate positive energies.
- To change the course of your destiny: A remedy for the imperfect Ba Zi through Feng Shui orientation in the later stage.
- To spur career promotion: A luck for career and guidance from a godsend (Gui Ren)
- To wish for newborn and wealth: The arrival of a newborn and improvement on career and wealth.
- To improve human luck: On matters relating to
favourable circumstances, including marriage. - To earn merits through charity: The virtue good deeds
makes you a noble person.
- 延益寿: 可延年益寿, 让身体更安康, 心境更阔达
- 强精魄: 强化体魄精神, 提示正面能量
- 改天名: 扶助先天八字不足, 改善后天运程的不顺
- 催官贵: 提升官运与贵人运
- 添丁财: 提升子息运与事业财运
- 增善缘: 改善人缘与姻缘
- 培阴骘: 多行善积德可倍增福气
NV SEED Garden by Nirvana nestles in a naturally endowed environment distinguished by a dragon-turtle topography. It faces east to haul in the auspicious “CHI” from the sunrise direction. The expansive vista opening, which is protected by the green-dragon and white-tiger guardians on both sides, provides a perfect enclave for the good chi to blossom, making it an ideal Feng Shui oriented Sheng Ji spot. Tap on the positive energies of this marvelous setup through a Sheng Ji installation to enhance your luck profile while seeking endless vigor to your life pursuits.
Price From: RM 21,888.
**0% Installment Plan Available up to 24 months.