
您眼前这一块刻着“中华人文碑林”六字的纪念碑,是碑林的象征物,这六个字是由来自中国河南郑州的国际知名书法家周俊斋先生所题。石碑下面的动物。很多人以为是乌龟,其实这个叫做赑屃 (bi xi)。赑屃是古代传说中龙的九个儿子之一,又叫做霸下,霸王的霸你上下的下。一般上赑屃会被用作碑石的底座。我们把这叫做“神龟驼碑”,另一方面,它又像征”长寿吉祥“,据说触摸它会给人带来福气。




中国现代汉字是顺着时代的演进,由甲骨文演变而来的,中国历代书本演变图表可以给大家提供一个基础认识,以便大家在参观碑林时会有更清楚地了解。 在上古中国的传说中,我们的始祖伏义氏创作了八 卦,后来,仓颉有创造了文字,而在八卦创作出来以后。有文字之前,还有一个神农氏结绳记事的阶段。用绳子到底怎么记事呢?原来每一条绳子上都有很多结和彩色的线,结的大小表示事情的大小,彩线的颜色则表示不同的信息。誓如:红色表示收成,黑色表示死亡和灾祸等等。不过这些都是传说而已,现在根据中国文学学界的普遍看法,汉字有极大的可能性是起源于图画。中国文字,从最早的八卦、结绳,到陶器上的符号,和刻画在兽骨甲骨上的甲骨文,以及铸造在钟、鼎上的金文,再到周宣王时候的太史籀文(大篆),种类确实不少,一直到共年前221年,秦始皇统一了六国后,当时的宰相李斯才是在三国时代开始萌芽的。后来,西普又从楷书里头发展出行草书。以上所提到的所有书本,都收入在我们碑林里头了,大家可以顺着时光的隧道,仔细的观赏学习。



Shi Wai Tao Yuan

Shi Wai Tao Yuan is a beautiful garden elaborated by the wealthy group of billions of dollars. The Chinese People’s Museum of Stone Tablets is located in this picturesque ancient town of Taoyuan. There is an ancient pavilion in the pavilion. We provide you with services such as top monuments, calligraphy, tea ceremony, painting and calligraphy exhibitions. At the same time, there are lush forests of calligraphy to tell you the complete evolution of Chinese characters from Oracle to modern Chinese characters. And shows from the Chinese Xia Shang Zhou to modern and local and international celebrity books. These calligraphy inscriptions were specially identified by experts before they were rubbed. Quanzhou masters engraved on the 138-party.

Chinese modern Chinese characters evolved from the evolution of the era and evolved from Oracle. The evolution of Chinese history books provides a basic understanding for everyone so that they can have a clearer understanding when they visit the Forest of Stone Tablets. In the legends of ancient China, our ancestor Fuyi created the Eight Diagrams. Later, the writer had created the script and after the creation of the Eight Diagrams. Before there was text, there was a stage where Shen Nong knotted a rope. How do you remember with a rope? There is a lot of knots and colored lines on each rope. The size of the knot indicates the size of the event. The color of the colored line indicates different information. Oath: Red means harvest, black means death, evil, etc. However, these are legends. Now according to the general view of the Chinese literary world, there is a great possibility that Chinese characters originate from the picture. Chinese characters, from the earliest gossip, knot ropes, symbols on pottery, to Oracle bones carved on bones of the bones of the beast, and the bronze and bronze texts cast on bells and dings, and then to the history of the king of the Zhou Xuan period. There were indeed many species, and it was not until 221 years ago that when the First Emperor of Qin unified the Six Kingdoms, the then Prime Minister Li Sicai began to sprout in the Three Kingdoms era. Later, Xipu also developed cursive script from the inside of the seal. All the books mentioned above are included in our forest. We can follow the tunnel of time and study carefully.

Origins of Beilin

This piece of China Humane Tablet Forest originated and inscribed the fortune group founder Tan Sri Datuk Kuang Han Kuang’s 20 acres of land, invested tens of millions of ringgit, and how to combine the strengths of local and Chinese experts and cultural and educational groups to create the hardships of the Chinese humane stele forest course. The detailed description of the works of Beilin can basically be classified into three categories. One is the Chinese ink paintings of Li Qingquan, Liu Gongquan, Su Dongpo, Wu Zetian, Qianlong, and Sun Yat-sen, and the other is the Chinese deceased calligrapher and predecessor. : To seek the legacy of the elders, Huang Shiyi, Cui Dadi, Shen Muyu and others. One is the international deceased calligrapher, such as Japan’s empty sea mage, South Korea’s Jin Yixian and others.



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